Our Ministries


We invite you into deeper fellowship and involvement in the church body through membership at Trinity. We offer membership opportunities for all those who are committed to our core values, have been baptized, and are willing to learn about how we approach being a Christian and bringing the light of Christ to our neighborhoods, our city, and our world. Our membership process provides a meaningful journey into life at Trinity and the blessings of a connected church community. 

To vote in church meetings, members must be active, having given, communed, and attended within the last year, which includes communion at home for those who are homebound. To learn more about membership, email us at trinity@trinityashland.org. Explore our membership process below.

Looking to explore becoming a member at Trinity Lutheran Church? Just click here, or send us a quick email at trinity@trinityashland.org. 

1. New Members Class
Prospective members attend classes covering Christian faith basics, the Lutheran tradition, Trinity’s history, and ways to get involved. For alternative arrangements, please reach out to Pastor Kevin McClain.

After completing the classes, you’ll meet with Wendy Shreffler, who oversees New Members & Gifts Ministry. She will answer questions and discuss ways you can engage in service and ministry at Trinity.

Membership is completed with a confirmation service led by Pastor Kevin. New members will be welcomed into the congregation at a church confirmation service, with the option to choose your preferred service time. Specific confirmation service dates will be determined during the membership process.


Baptism is central to our commitment to Christ as a unified church body. While some churches can be particular about what makes a baptism “valid,” we prefer to approach the subject with grace, openness, and faith in a God that is bigger than any rules we could ever impose on him. We accept all Christian baptisms, past or present, and, for us, baptism is just the beginning, not the end. If you are interested in becoming baptized, reach out to us at trinity@trinityashland.org.

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Faith Formation &

Christian Development

At Trinity, we offer Faith Formation pathways for those seeking to deepen their relationship with Christ. These include one-on-one time with our pastoral staff, counseling, and courses that nurture spiritual growth and understanding. Our programs are designed to guide you in building a strong, lasting connection with God and our church community.

Our Sunday School classes, open to adults and children ages two and up, provide educational opportunities that help us continually grow in our Christian faith. Youth classes are organized by age, while adults can choose classes based on topic and interest. Information on Sunday School classes is available at our Information Center, located in the hallway connecting both sets of main doors. View our seasonal Sunday School options HERE.

If you’re interested in getting more involved in church life, we also offer a variety of volunteer opportunities in areas such as Kids, Youth, Young Adults, Adults & Family, Music, and more! Join us as we grow together in faith and fellowship.

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The idea that God loves all the joyful noises we make is at the core of who we are as a faith family. When we sing and make music together, it’s an outpouring of our love for each other and our Lord, a melodic statement of faith, and a way to express the joy we feel about being God’s children.

We offer opportunities for ensembles, Christmas musicals, choir, Bach Vespers, and more for all who are interested.