
Letting Go in Lent

From Pastor Kevin

In the midst of the season of Lent we who fast, who wait, who work, who hope, in preparation for the celebration of the resurrection of our Lord are given a word of great encouragement.

This past weekend’s Gospel reading was one of the most familiar parables taught by Jesus, the story of the prodigal son. In this parable Jesus teaches of a family in need of healing. One son wants more than he should and takes it, leaving his family behind; another son wants more than he should, yet stays with his father. The prodigal or wasteful son returns home from a far country and is welcomed by his father, receiving undeserved riches and goodness beyond his deserving, while the older will not come even the short distance to receive the same. In spite of his father’s urging the son who never left turns out to be the one who was farthest from entering the father’s house.

It would be easy to feel discouraged by the tragedy in this story. It is too much like our own lives and families, the hearts of the sons too much like our own hearts. There is no happy ending to the discord between resentful siblings. If we are to find the hope and encouragement that Christ gives here we should look at the father. All of the happiness in this story is a consequence of the father’s love. He gives more than is earned, and loves more than can be imagined. He is there to greet the lost as soon as they return, and he begs those who won’t come back to reconsider. This father is the only reason that good can be found; he is overflowing with love and mercy, and he wants his children with him. This father is our Father.

God is waiting for, pleading with, and calling you and all of his children to Himself. He promises to welcome you in, and no matter how far you are from the love of Him and others that he commands, he will usher you back into that place. We echo the plea of the father in this parable in the liturgy with our lenten gospel acclamation: “Return to the Lord your God for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love.”

As you continue to look forward to the resurrection of Christ I encourage you to add one more thing to let go of in lent, so that your fasting would be complete and pleasing in God’s sight: Let go of what you hold against your brothers and sisters that you may be ready to rejoice together in God’s grace.

Pastor Kevin McClain
Lead Pastor


New Member Class

Sunday, Apr 27th | Noon | Trinity Room

Interested in membership, or simply want to learn more about Trinity? You’re invited to the New Member Class! Following Sunday services, we will share lunch together in the Trinity Room. Afterward, Pastor Kevin will share about Trinity’s history, beliefs, and identity. Then, we’ll conclude by going on a tour of the building. RSVP to the church office. We hope you’ll join us!



You do not to be in a crisis to have a Stephen Minister

Sometimes we just need someone to talk it out with – someone who listens with empathy and compassion, someone who can carry you and your cares to Jesus in prayer. Don’t wait for a crisis, consider a Stephen Minister now to work through those small things that keep you spinning your wheels and wishing for some traction. Contact Dan Forbes to talk about the possibilities.

lenten studyLenten Vespers Services

Thursdays during Lent | 6pm

Join us on Thursday evenings during the season of Lent for vespers services. In April, this means that we will gather April 3rd & 10th. We hope to see you there as we journey through Lent together in community and prayer.

tulipGarden Volunteers Needed

The Grounds committee is preparing for this year’s growing season and is seeking more volunteers. If you have a desire for helping in the upkeep of the many beds on the church property, please contact Ann Miller at (419) 651-6470 or Laurie Maurer at (419) 606-5157. If digging in the dirt is not your thing, please consider pitching in by helping maintain the fountain in the garden. It requires about one hour each week from mid-April to mid-Sept. Contact one of the above two names for more info.

easter 2025 services


Celebrating April Birthdays

Let’s shower our cherished members 85 and over with lots of love and well-wishes as they celebrate their birthdays this month!

  • Barbara Applegate | 86 years | March 27th
  • Hazel Acuna | 85 years | April 1st
  • Bonnie Weygandt | 91 years | April 7th
  • Barbara Townsend | 89 years | April 11th
  • Marcelle Bragg | 87 years | April 12th
  • Carol Burns | 95 years | April 13th
  • Beverly Stetson | 87 years | April 14th



vsb true north

Vacation Bible School – Save the Date

June 9th – 12th | 9am – 12pm | Ages 4 – 5th Gr.

Mark your calendars now for an amazing week full of fun at “True North” Vacation Bible School 2025. Kids get to explore how easy it is to lose sight of what’s true in our wild world today, and they will learn that JESUS is our true north. Join us for a week full of faith discoveries, music, and epic adventures that help kids grow in friendship with Jesus!

If you are willing to be a volunteer for the week, contact one of the VBS directors: Amy Atterholt, Angela Baker, Kari Emmons, Kristen McClain or Dawn Forbes for more info. Don’t wait till June! Get your favorite spot NOW!!





Choir Rehearsal Schedule

Various days & times | Beginning in September & October

Join us in creating music, community, and worship! No prior singing experience is required. View the schedule for our various choirs below, and contact Kim Wolbert for more information at

  • Children’s Choirs (Pre-K – Grade 6) | Wednesdays 6- 7pm | Trinity Preschool & Assembly Rooms
  • High Praise Youth Choir (Grades 7-12) | Downstairs Choir Room
  • Men’s Choir | 9/17, 9/23, 10/1, 10/7, 10/10 7-8:30pm | Sanctuary
  • Adult Choir | Wednesdays 7-8:30pm | Choir Loft
  • Luther Bell Choir (Grades 2-6) | Wednesdays 4:30-5:15pm | Mitchell Hall
  • Trinity Bell Choir (Experienced) | Wednesdays 6-7pm | Mitchell Hall
  • Sunrise Singers | First Monday of each Month at 7pm | Music Room




casa for familiesLuther Club

Thursday, Apr 3rd | Noon | Jack’s Place

All seniors are invited to join us for a delicious lunch and some great fellowship! On the menu is potato & chicken casserole and yellow cake with chocolate frosting. After lunch, we’ll hear from speaker Jenny Keesee from CASA. The cost is $7, and an RSVP is required. We hope to see you there!





Missions & outreach






Preschool registration now open

Serving ages 2 ½ to 5 years of age. We follow the Montessori philosophy. In addition, we offer spiritual formation and experiential music enrichment. Our program provides individualized learning. Enrollment packets are available outside the Montessori office. For additional questions, please contact Cindy Duffey at (419) 289-2126 or




Job Opportunities

Please visit our job opportunities page for a full list of qualifications and full instructions on how to apply.

Volunteer Opportunities

At Trinity, we strive to serve others and make a difference in our community, just as Jesus calls us to do. We need your help continuing our mission through these service opportunities:

  • Event Setup: We’re looking for volunteers to join a list of people who can be called upon to help set up tables and chairs for various church events. It often takes a long time for one person to handle this alone, so having a team will make the process much quicker and easier. If you’re available and willing to assist, please contact Jeff Gray at Ideally, we’re hoping to gather a list of 10-12 volunteers. Your support is greatly appreciated! Thank you for helping serve our church and the greater Ashland community by helping our events run smoothly.
  • Food & Fellowship: Do you enjoy baking or connecting with new people? Our Olive Tree Cafe needs bakers to donate tasty treats and friendly hosts to greet visitors. You’ll be providing hospitality and helping newcomers feel welcome.
  • First Impressions: Help make a great first impression by volunteering at our Information Desk, welcoming new faces, and guiding people to classes and services. Your warmth and assistance can make someone’s day.
  • Radio Ministry: If you prefer behind-the-scenes work, we need help running our radio ministry programs. You’ll be spreading God’s message near and far from the comfort of our church.
  • Rides: We have members in need of transportation to attend church events. Are you willing to be the hands and feet of Jesus by providing the occasional ride? Any time you can volunteer is greatly appreciated and makes a lasting difference. Please contact the church office if you can help or know someone who can. As a Trinity family, let’s make sure transportation is not a barrier to participating in our church.

Jesus tells us that whatever we do for others, we do for Him. Through volunteering with us, you can share your gifts and passions while walking in Christ’s footsteps. Contact us today to get involved!



what's on the


5:30-6pm in Jack’s Place | Suggested donation $5 *Please note all meals are subject to change. 

RSVP encouraged by Tuesday. Call ahead for carry-out.
Please call: Peggy: (419) 210-5226 | Robin: (419) 632-5097

Apr 2
Cheeseburger Soup

Hot Dogs & Chocolate Dump Cake

Apr 9
Chicken Casserole

Carrots & Lemon Bars

Apr 16
Beef & Noodles

Corn & Chocolate Pudding

Apr 23
BBQ Ham Slices

Scalloped Potatoes & Pineapple Cake

Apr 30
Hot Dog

Baked Beans, Mac Salad, & Ambrosia Fluff


& Giving


February 2025 Attendance
Date Sunday School Church Services
2/1-2/2 90 304
2/8-2/9 63 272
2/15-2/16 32 206
2/22-2/23 90 326


February 2025 Receipts
2/1 $17,290
2/8 $19,088
2/15 $12,099
2/22 $26,474
Operating Fund YTD
Income $152,850
Disbursements $252,995
Deficit -$100,145
Weekly Income Needed for Operating Budget $31,624



Pastor’s Report

  • Pastor Kevin reflected on Psalm 133, emphasizing the blessing of unity and gathering as a church community.

Approval of Minutes and Financial Report

  • Minutes from the previous meeting were approved. Approval of the financial report was tabled.

Old Business

  • Council Nominations: Additional names were added, but more are needed.
  • Congregational Meeting: Agenda for the May meeting discussed.

Staff Updates

  • Home group leader training is being planned for the end of the school year.
  • Colloquy process updates were shared.


  • No March meeting, but ongoing projects continue.
  • April meeting will finalize several proposals.


  • Motion to schedule mission speakers and video presentations during worship services failed.

Christian Education

  • No updates.


  • Open house welcomed three families; enrollment currently at 19 (capacity 24).


  • Volunteer appreciation efforts continue.
  • Recruiting volunteers for the information desk, radio, and ProPresenter.
  • Planning to enter a church float in the Christmas parade.
  • Tulips to be given to mothers on Mother’s Day.
  • Committee members assisting with confirmation and graduation breakfasts.
  • Exploring plans for a new church directory.


  • No updates.

Personnel/Lay Leader

  • Deep Cleaning Contract: Motion passed to discontinue the current contract and explore alternatives.


  • Carillon Repair: Approved an additional $1,629.88 from the Clark Eisle fund for repairs.
  • Montessori HVAC: Discussion ongoing.
  • Maintenance Updates: Choir loft flooring completed, roof repairs finalized.
  • TLC Properties: 100% occupancy; February payout lower due to property taxes.

Senior Ministries

  • M&Ms and Luther Club meeting regularly.
  • March 29: Informational meeting for Trinity Travelers cruise.
  • Spring trip being planned to the National Veterans Memorial and Museum in Columbus.

Women and Children

  • Nursery Renovation: Nearly complete. New furniture and cabinet updates in progress.
  • Wayfinding Signage: Updates in progress to help families navigate to nursery.

Worship and Music

  • Women’s Chorus sang in March, with 30 participants.
  • Children’s Choirs preparing for Palm Sunday and Mother’s Day performances.
  • Planning underway for Rally Day (Aug. 24) and Broadway Revue (July 11).
  • Easter Choir preparations ongoing.
  • Vesper Services began with 50 in attendance.
  • Organ Recital: April 27th at 4pm with George Sargeant.
  • High Praise Trip: Memorial Day weekend trip planned to Buffalo, including worship and fellowship activities.
  • Choir loft floor repairs completed.

Young Adult & Youth

  • No updates.


  • The meeting concluded with the Lord’s Prayer.