In the midst of the season of Lent we who fast, who wait, who work, who hope, in preparation for the celebration of the resurrection of our Lord are given a word of great encouragement.
This past weekend’s Gospel reading was one of the most familiar parables taught by Jesus, the story of the prodigal son. In this parable Jesus teaches of a family in need of healing. One son wants more than he should and takes it, leaving his family behind; another son wants more than he should, yet stays with his father. The prodigal or wasteful son returns home from a far country and is welcomed by his father, receiving undeserved riches and goodness beyond his deserving, while the older will not come even the short distance to receive the same. In spite of his father’s urging the son who never left turns out to be the one who was farthest from entering the father’s house.
It would be easy to feel discouraged by the tragedy in this story. It is too much like our own lives and families, the hearts of the sons too much like our own hearts. There is no happy ending to the discord between resentful siblings. If we are to find the hope and encouragement that Christ gives here we should look at the father. All of the happiness in this story is a consequence of the father’s love. He gives more than is earned, and loves more than can be imagined. He is there to greet the lost as soon as they return, and he begs those who won’t come back to reconsider. This father is the only reason that good can be found; he is overflowing with love and mercy, and he wants his children with him. This father is our Father.
God is waiting for, pleading with, and calling you and all of his children to Himself. He promises to welcome you in, and no matter how far you are from the love of Him and others that he commands, he will usher you back into that place. We echo the plea of the father in this parable in the liturgy with our lenten gospel acclamation: “Return to the Lord your God for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love.”
As you continue to look forward to the resurrection of Christ I encourage you to add one more thing to let go of in lent, so that your fasting would be complete and pleasing in God’s sight: Let go of what you hold against your brothers and sisters that you may be ready to rejoice together in God’s grace.