Time, Talents & Treasure

In order to see things as they truly are it is necessary to turn one’s attention from time to time to things that are often hidden from our sight. You can’t really understand how Trinity works without recognizing the legions of faithful volunteers. Some are front and center during worship like our musicians, singers, readers and worship assistants. Others are hard at work behind the scenes preparing service elements, helping to work the sound booth, broadcasting the service on the radio and internet, and others are somewhere in the middle ushering, greeting and hosting. Of course there is the Altar Guild helping to prepare for worship and caring for the sacraments. But you may not know that after the services there is much done by volunteers during the week.

Not only that but our Sunday School is volunteer-led, as are most ministries of the church, which are led by those who volunteer and also participate in the committees which direct most of what we do. Volunteers help us keep the building secure, work on and oversee projects, feed members and guests, count the offerings and enter them into the system. And there is much more.

Although most people who serve behind the scenes are happy to remain behind the scenes I would like to highlight and express gratitude for those who enter in our giving. While this was done in the past by our longtime faithful brother and employee of the church Dan Scott, it is now in the capable hands of a trio of our members: Barb Piatt, Laurie Maurer and Cheryl Phillips. They have taken on the task of entering the tithes and offerings, and helping Trinity to streamline that process by going through each of the numerous accounts that have existed across the years and consolidating them into something better. Some of those accounts have not been used in many years or are no longer associated with Trinity. For instance ELCA World Hunger will no longer be a giving option through Trinity. Tax deductible donations can still be sent directly to ELCA World Hunger, but they should not be sent into Trinity. Changes like this help us to see clearly how much money we truly have to operate as opposed to how much is sent in. That work is helping us be more faithful, accountable and effective stewards of the church’s finances. They are doing a great job and we are grateful for their help.

This year you will see a difference that is going to help both them and all of us a great deal. When you receive your giving envelopes you will notice they look a little different as they bear our new logo, and have only two giving designations: 1. “Where it is needed most” which means there are no restrictions on how we can put your gift to work. Those gifts will go into the General Fund where they are most certainly needed. 2. “Other” this designation is for giving a gift which is meant for a specific ministry or account. When you check that box be sure to write on the envelope where you would like that gift used. Of course if you need a hand we are always here for you in the church office, just call or stop by.

These are just a couple of ways that the participation of volunteers are helping to bless us all. You, too, can make an impact. God has blessed you with gifts and skills that are a blessing meant to share. I encourage you to get involved as a volunteer at Trinity. You’ll be amazed at what God will help you to do. If you’re not sure where to get started, call or stop by the church office and speak with Wendy Schreffler, she’s an expert at helping folks get connected. Thank you to all of you who give of your time, talents and treasure here at Trinity!

In Christ,

Pastor Kevin McClain
Lead Pastor